We’re extremely excited to tell you about our new building here in Vancouver Washington.

What started in a spare bedroom of Vitaliy Belonozhko’s home quickly grew into occupying various small office spaces around Portland Oregon. Eventually 64 Audio crossed the river into Vancouver Washington and set up shop in an old Brutalist Architecture bank building. The time spent in that oddly shaped building were some of 64 Audio’s most rapid periods of growth; we went from a couple dozen full time employees to about 80 at the peak of our occupation of old Banky. With 64 Audio’s 10 year anniversary, a major rebrand, and being in the midst of the weirdest year ever we figured a change of location was appropriate.

Although the bank served us well, especially because we had access to a handful of working bank vaults to store our top secret product developments, we needed a larger and more modern space. We were looking for a building that offered more space while simultaneously making our teams feel closer to one another; sadly at one point our teams were not only spread between multiple floors, we were even spread between multiple buildings. 

We all packed up and moved a few minutes up the road. We’re still in Vancouver Washington, so if you’re ever in the Portland Oregon area please do give us a visit. We have a great demo room available to the public on an appointment basis. If you’re mailing us units for repair, or impressions for new custom orders please heed the address change and make sure you ship it to:

64 Audio

4510 NE 68th Dr. Suite 102

Vancouver, WA 98661

We leave you now with a quick word, on the move, from our Founder and CEO Vitaliy Belonozhko: 

Our new address is: 4510 NE 68th Dr Suite 102, Vancouver, WA 98661!
