Dear valued 64 Audio™ customers,

It has recently come to our attention that our previous business partner, Asius Technologies, LLC has been publicizing misinformation about our company and products. While it is our preference to focus our time and attention on our products and our customers, we believe it is necessary to address some of the allegations that have been made.

The relationship between 64 Audio and Asius was non-exclusive and ended because of different visions and styles of business operation. We broke no agreements during our relationship with Asius and even invited them to let us know of any specific concerns they had so that we could look into them. Asius came forward with no concerns as a result of that invitation.  It has always been and remains our intention and our goal to go the extra mile when dealing with all matters affecting our brand and our company.

Our new apex™ technology (air pressure exchange), which is presently patent pending, was designed to address problems with delivering a satisfying acoustic experience, while simultaneously addressing concerns about air pressure. In particular, apex™ modules use an interactive vent, which does not sacrifice bass frequencies as can happen with traditional ambient vents. Our success in achieving this result rests on a studio-grade Santoprene multi-cell acoustic foam which is durable and consistent enough to provide reliable pressure relief and excellent sound quality over time. We have yet to receive a single failed apex™ module from thousands of customers, including music industry professionals.  Despite untruthful statements to the contrary, our foam has no traces of carbon and does not undergo any kind of “activation”. Lab testing has even shown that our material can vent more air than ePTFE membranes.

Our marketing strategy for apex™ is designed to clearly explain to the customer what the product does. apex™ vents air pressure from a sealed ear canal while providing the user a comfortable and enjoyable auditory experience. Venting air pressure can also reduce listening fatigue, which has been the consistent feedback from our large user base. While we will continue to innovate and explore other embodiments and benefits of the apex™ technology, it is clear that we have reached a solution that relieves air pressure in a manner that does not overlap other technologies.

We understand that the in-ear market is a highly competitive space and some in the industry may be threatened by our quality and innovation, but we believe it is not only possible but necessary to produce high quality products while maintaining high ethical standards.  We invite our competitors to join us in focusing their energy on their own products and customers, rather than publicly engaging in defamatory attacks to attempt to bolster sales.

At 64 Audio we want the story of our company to be told through the integrity and passion we bring to our products and customer service. In the six and a half years we have been in business, we have built a loyal customer base that raves about our products and world-class support.  We want to assure each of you that we are unwavering in our intention to continue to meet the demands of our discerning buyers through innovation, quality, and commitment to ethical business practices.    

If you have any questions or concerns we’re just a phone call or email away.



Vitaliy Belonohzko,
Founder, CTO